Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Forbidden Dance

The Native Americans used The Ghost Dance in hopes of bringing peace to several tribes in the Northern portion of North America. Peace means “Freedom from disturbance; quiet[,]… tranquility” and “Freedom from or cessation of war or violence” ( The Ghost Dance originates from the Lakota Sioux Native Myth White Buffalo Calf Woman. The White Buffalo Calf Women represents the “bringer of the first pipe, harmony, spiritual balance, and peace…” (Heflin). A well-known Northern Piute Native American, Wovoka, dreamt about the Ghost Dance ( In Wovoka’s dream, “…he was taken into the spirit world and saw all Native Americans being taken up into the sky and the Earth opening up to swallow all Whites and to revert back to its natural state.” ( To reach a “natural state”, the Native Americans would need to raise their ancestor’s from their graves. The ancestors will then make war with the white invaders until the white man evades Native land, thus, restoring peace and harmony in the Native American Tribe (Heflin). The idea of the Ghost Dance reminds me of other prejudice and control conflicts that the Native Americans have faced.

            I think prejudice has been around since the dawn of time and stems out of fear. Prejudice can be defined as “preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience” and “dislike, hostility, or unjust behavior formed on such a basis” ( Some people will always hold themselves higher than others. Some individuals believe if a person is below their standards that make that person becomes inferior. An example of prejudice in history deals with the white man’s prejudice against the Native Americans. Such prejudice can be seen in what General Sherman believed in:
General Sherman lead a campaign to quell those tribes who were not accepting the reservations. "The only good indians I ever saw were dead" Sherman is quoted as having written to his brother. This changed slightly to become the all-too-popular expression of Anti-Indian prejudice:" The only good Indian is a dead Indian". This campaign was known as 'The Campaign of Extermination' and General Sherman pursued his goals with intense hatred for the Red peoples. (Degrey)
The Native Americans performed the Ghost Dance in response to the white man’s intrusion and prejudice. Once an individual places judgment on another individual they have demonstrated the act of prejudice. I believe from one time to another, everyone has committed an act of prejudice. Prejudice can be spoken or unspoken. Prejudice is a thought process. I know I have been prejudice and I know I am not innocent of prejudices.

            To control a group of people gives some people a sense of power. By making a group seem inferior, one might convince a group of people to control the inferior group. To take control is definitely a power play. The individual that controls will inevitably be the one in power. The Native Americans used the Ghost Dance to stop westward expansion and regain their land from the white man’s control. According to Bülent Gökay and Darrell Whitman of the Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations “The Ghost Dance of Native Americans has had its counterparts throughout history where symbols and rituals have been used to represent and reinforce a sense of power.” (Gökay and Whitman 61). In my opinion the white man bullies the Native Americans, because they wanted the Indian’s land. They wanted what the Native Americans had. The Indians tried desperately to regain some of their integrity through performing the Ghost Dance. Sometimes people resort to spiritual rituals to regain a sense of self. To the Indians the Ghost Dance became an act of survival.

            The Northern Native American Tribes tried their best to remain in existence. Sometimes one has to do what they have to do in order to survive. The Indian’s believed the Ghost Dance would solve their problems, regain their land, and resist the white man’s prejudice and control. In the end, unfortunately, the Indians gave up and the Ghost Dance remains banned forever.

Works Cited

Fife, Lynn Foster. White Buffalo Calf Woman. Giclee on canvas. New Spirit Gallery, Nashville. Web. 21 February 2012. JPEG file. <>

Ghost Dance Painting. 2003-2012. Painting. Legends of America. Web. 21 February 2012. JPEG file. <>.

Gökay, Bülent and Darrel Whitman. “GHOST DANCE: The U.S. and Illusions of Power in the 21st Century.” Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations. 3.4 (2004): 61. Web. 21 February 2012. <>.

Heflin, Theresa. “White Buffalo Calf Woman.” English 2328. Tarrant County College, Fort Worth, TX. 16 February 2012. Lecture.

“History of the Ghost Dance.” Laura S. Degrey. 1999-2000. Web. 21 February 2012. <>.

“Native American Legends: The Ghost Dance - A Promise of Fulfillment.” 2003-2012. Web. 21 February 2012. <>.

“Peace.” Def 1 and 3. Google. 2012. 21 February 2012.<,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=5e042cfe5fb5402a&biw=1063&bih=611>

“Prejudice” Def 1 and 2. Google. 2012. 21 February 2012.<,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=f432e2799f8c0035&biw=1063&bih=611>

“White Buffalo Calf Woman.” Class Handout. Tarrant County College, Fort Worth, TX. 14 February 2012. Print.